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7 Pillars of Inclusion

Developed by Play by the Rules and Sport Australia, the 7 Pillars of Inclusion model is a new way of advancing diversity and inclusion in sport.

The 7 Pillars model is about providing a ‘helicopter’ view of inclusion that looks at the common elements that contribute to creating inclusive environments that reflect the communities that we live in. The pillars are:

  • Choice

  • Partnerships

  • Communications

  • Policies

  • Opportunities

  • Access

  • Attitude

The pillars provide a common language and understanding of what inclusion means – in a practical sense. That’s not to ignore the differences between targeted populations, rather, to recognise that there are similarities AND differences.

The rationale behind the development of 7 Pillars was based on the assumption that a common language and framework would help alleviate duplication and provide a ‘starting point’ for strategy development.

The Pillars can be used as the basis for knowledge and actions across all levels of your sport, for all disadvantaged and diverse groups, thereby reducing the need for different programs and policies for each. They are focused around simple actions that, over time, lead to cultural change.

Seven Pillars will assist sporting organisations with identifying their strengths and weaknesses around inclusion and help them along the path to creating a strong, inclusive culture for the sport.

The golf community was exposed to the 7 Pillars of Inclusion philosophy as a result of the review process, with all clubs and organisations encouraged to embrace the framework. 7 Pillars provides a starting point for all clubs to assess their strengths and weakness, and develop strategies to begin the journey towards real inclusion. The philosophy will be the basis for GA’s inclusion activities in this new inclusion project.

For further information and to download the videos for each Pillar see

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